Autism Symptoms and Treatments
Autism Symptoms and Treatments. Some treatments shown to improve the symptoms of autism include: Vitamin D and Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy.
Is Vitamin D an Autism Treatment?
It has now been suggested that autism may be caused by insufficient vitamin D during pregnancy and/or early years. Autistic children have difficulty in forming relationships, but they also tend to have larger heads, changes similar to those found in baby rats that are bred with insufficient vitamin D. (The Telegraph, Why is Vitamin D So Vital?)...Read full article
Autism - Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy and Autism - Recently, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has increased in popularity as a treatment for autism. In this study, children with autism were treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy at atmospheric pressures and oxygen concentrations in current use for this condition..Read full article
Signs of Autism in Infants – Parents See Signs Long Before Professionals
Parents notice signs of autism spectrum disorders in infants as early as 6 months of age, but diagnosis of children with autism spectrum disorders is generally not until the age 3 or 4 years...Read full article