February 11, 2007

Depressed? Drink Tea

Written by Kevin Flatt

Researchers at the Kuopio University Hospital in Finland, using a questionnaire to 2011 people in the general Finnish population, found that those who reported drinking tea daily were less depressed than the others. In fact none of those whose daily tea intake was five cups or more had depression suggesting that those who drink tea daily may have a significantly reduced risk of being depressed.

They concluded that an inverse relationship between daily tea drinking and the risk of being depressed was found in a relatively large general population sample.


Hintikka J, Tolmunen T, Honkalampi K, Haatainen K, Koivumaa-Honkanen H, Tanskanen A, Viinamaki H. Daily tea drinking is associated with a low level of depressive symptoms in the Finnish general population. Eur J Epidemiol. 2005;20(4):359-63.

Copyright 2007 Kevin Flatt. Reproduction of any information on other websites is PROHIBITED.

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